Friday, November 14, 2008

Wheeee! Two

Another hat I whipped up - again, ostensibly for Ginny, but this one fits Chardy better. At least they are getting smaller! Maybe the next one will fit Aaron, but I promise, eventually Ginny will get one.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


A cute swirly hat made especially for Ginny.

But, wait, you say, that's not Ginny, that's Alli.

I know, it didn't fit Ginny. But, as with socks, if you make a hat, chances are it will fit someone between 2 and 38 yrs old... Besides, this gives me an excuse to make another hat!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Green Baby Cables -- Take 2

Do these look familiar?

They should. They are carbon copies of my previous, beautiful, green baby cables socks. I loved them, and I wore them a lot. Therefore, I washed them a lot. But, as everyone knows, you don't wash wool...or if you do, you certainly don't do it in hot water, and you really don't throw them in the "heavy duty" dryer cycle.

If you do, eventually they look like this:

And, then you have to make new ones.