For other more important news: Poor Chardy went to the orthodontist yesterday. Here is what they saw (you be the judge)...
The recommendation: remove (i.e., extract) 10 teeth from her mouth to "alleviate extreme crowding"...2 baby canines, 4 baby pre-molars, and then the adult pre-molars once they erupt. Chardy may be 8, but she's a smart cookie and cottoned on to the gist of the conversation pretty fast. Needless to say, she's not thrilled with the plan. However, she did brighten up at the prospect of a windfall of cash from the tooth fairy.
I apologize for barging onto your blog, and I'm no dentist, but I would definitely get a second opinion on that... They can put something called a Palette expander in to make more room. Things can be done. I would at least ask about other options.... That is a LOT of teeth to be pulling... My sister had no room for her teeth, but they put the palette expander on her, and she has everything but her wisdom teeth now... Just my opinion...